Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga MGK.
Sila ambil perhatian untuk mengambil borang pinjaman peralatan ICT daripada Guru ICT sekolah. Isikan dan hantar sebelum 23 Oktober 2009. Sebarang kesulitan harap dimaafkan. Kegagalan mengisi borang boleh mengakibatkan pengambilan tindakan tatatertib.(sila rujuk pekeliling berkaitan yang terkini).
created by :ICT Department of the school. Updated on 04-01-2011. For enquiries e-mail us at
About Me

- SJK(T) Mahathma Gandhi Kalasalai
- Shortly known as MGKSSU,is the top biggest tamil school in the state of Perak, Malaysia and among one of the biggest academic institution in the country. MGKSSU have an roughly estimated around 1000 students, studying in standard 1 until standard 6.By having 3 blocks of concrete building, we are manage to conduct 24 classes where in each standard consists of 4 classes respectively. We are having hi-tech profesionals selected and trained by the Malaysian Government to teach the students according to the national curriculum specification effectively. Parents are very eager to send their children to study here because of the teaching and learning facilities that we are having based on the needs of the modern world.